
The DJ Computer

The Place for DJs to Find Computers...

Computer Chargers

Need a charger? Look for your laptop year and size to match the correct charger.

***Please note that using the incorrect charger can cause power and charging issues***

To enusre you purchase the correct charger; match your size and year with the correct charger

Chargers come in OEM and Aftermarket

USB Cords are used to connect your laptop or desktop to items such as printers, drum machines or even DJ Controllers or Mixers

Here you can chose which USB cord you need to get connected today!!

USB-C Cords are used to connect your laptop to USB-C hard drive or to your charger. It's always a good idea to have a spare so pick one up while you are here!!

External Hard drives can be used to store data or can be used an a Time-Machine for your laptop.

We have different sizes and speeds of drives to choose from. Click the drive to see your next option.